Talk:Visual List of Digimon

From Wikimon

Fan/Custom images?[edit]

Is using fan images for the thumbnails acceptable or not? I put a custom recolor of MetalGarurumon (Red) and someone reverted it, but there're fan images of Apollomon Whispered/Darkness Mode, XV-mon (Black), Black Guilmon, Bio Lotusmon/Spinomon/Thunderbirmon, Chaos Dukemon Core, Chaos Piemon/MetalSeadramon/WarGreymon, Ketomon, Meicoomon's pre-evolutions, MoriShellmon, and Vermillimon. --Ezzaroth 11 September 2020

I think those ones were specifically approved by an admin, but also, you weren't reverted by an admin so your image might actually be acceptable. Might want to contact TMS, Koroku, Devkyu, or Ainz.KrytenKoro06 (talk) 13:10, 11 September 2020 (CDT)