User talk:Humulos

From Wikimon

Re: Pendulum Evolutions[edit]

I changed them because they didn't make any sense. HenryWong122 (talk) 10:30, 9 November 2020 (CST)

Moving forward, please do not make any changes based on whether or not you think something makes sense. Edits should only be done if you have evidence or sources to support them. Humulos (talk) 15:20, 9 November 2020 (CST)

dub names vital bracelet[edit]

are there other dub names there? if sunamon becomes sandmon then maybe sunalizamon was localised to something like sandlizardmon? then there are the other digimon like vulturemon and gogmamon from that device. also, what about their attacks? I have my doubts they kept "suna kake" if they localised "sunamon" to "sandmon". also sangomon and marinekimeramon etcMuur (talk) 18:09, 6 August 2021 (CDT)

I didn't give it a super thorough look, but I had poked around in the Arena rankings to see other Digimon I hadn't unlocked, and everything seems to be congruent with what the card game has been using so far (Marin Chimairamon as MarinChimairamon for example). Sunarizamon and Sangomon remain identical to their Japanese names. Humulos (talk) 14:50, 9 August 2021 (CDT)